mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 04:36:31 +08:00
refactor: 移除i18n目录
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import { useLocalStorage, usePreferredLanguages } from '@vueuse/core';
import { DropdownOption } from 'tdesign-vue-next';
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
// 导入语言文件
const langModules = import.meta.glob('./lang/*/index.ts', { eager: true });
const langModuleMap = new Map<string, Object>();
export const langCode: Array<string> = [];
export const localeConfigKey = 'tdesign-starter-locale';
// 获取浏览器默认语言环境
const languages = usePreferredLanguages();
// 生成语言模块列表
const generateLangModuleMap = () => {
const fullPaths = Object.keys(langModules);
fullPaths.forEach((fullPath) => {
const k = fullPath.replace('./lang', '');
const startIndex = 1;
const lastIndex = k.lastIndexOf('/');
const code = k.substring(startIndex, lastIndex);
langModuleMap.set(code, langModules[fullPath]);
// 导出 Message
const importMessages = computed(() => {
const message: Recordable = {};
langModuleMap.forEach((value: any, key) => {
message[key] = value.default;
return message;
export const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false,
locale: useLocalStorage(localeConfigKey, 'zh_CN').value || languages.value[0] || 'zh_CN',
fallbackLocale: 'zh_CN',
messages: importMessages.value,
globalInjection: true,
export const langList = computed(() => {
if (langModuleMap.size === 0) generateLangModuleMap();
const list: DropdownOption[] = [];
langModuleMap.forEach((value: any, key) => {
content: value.default.lang,
value: key,
return list;
// @ts-ignore
export const { t } = i18n.global;
export default i18n;
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
export default {
isSetup: {
on: 'Enabled',
off: 'Disabled',
manage: 'Manage',
delete: 'Delete',
commonTable: {
contractName: 'Name',
contractStatus: 'Status',
contractNum: 'Number',
contractType: 'Type',
contractPayType: 'Pay Type',
contractAmount: 'Amount',
contractNamePlaceholder: 'enter contract name',
contractStatusPlaceholder: 'enter contract status',
contractNumPlaceholder: 'enter contract number',
contractTypePlaceholder: 'enter contract type',
operation: 'Operation',
detail: 'detail',
delete: 'delete',
contractStatusEnum: {
fail: 'fail',
audit: 'audit',
executing: 'executing',
pending: 'pending',
finish: 'finish',
contractTypeEnum: {
main: 'main',
sub: 'sub',
supplement: 'supplement',
reset: 'reset',
query: 'query',
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import merge from 'lodash/merge';
import componentsLocale from 'tdesign-vue-next/es/locale/en_US';
import components from './components';
import layout from './layout';
import pages from './pages';
export default {
lang: 'English',
constants: {
contract: {
name: 'Name',
status: 'Status',
num: 'Number',
type: 'Type',
typePlaceholder: 'Please enter type',
payType: 'Pay Type',
amount: 'Amount',
amountPlaceholder: 'Please enter amount',
signDate: 'Sign Date',
effectiveDate: 'Effective Date',
endDate: 'End Date',
createDate: 'Create Date',
attachment: 'Attachment',
company: 'Company',
employee: 'Employee',
pay: 'pay',
receive: 'received',
remark: 'remark',
statusOptions: {
fail: 'Failure',
auditPending: 'Pending audit',
execPending: 'Pending performance',
executing: 'Successful',
finish: 'Finish',
typeOptions: {
main: 'Master contract',
sub: 'Subcontract',
supplement: 'Supplementary contract',
componentsLocale: merge({}, componentsLocale, {
// 可以在此处定义更多自定义配置,具体可配置内容参看 API 文档
// https://tdesign.tencent.com/vue-next/config?tab=api
// pagination: {
// jumpTo: 'xxx'
// },
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
export default {
header: {
code: 'Code Repository',
help: 'Document',
user: 'Profile',
signOut: 'Sign Out',
setting: 'Setting',
notice: {
title: 'Notification Center',
clear: 'Clear',
setRead: 'Set Read',
empty: 'Empty',
emptyNotice: 'No Notice',
viewAll: 'View All',
tagTabs: {
closeOther: 'close other',
closeLeft: 'close left',
closeRight: 'close right',
refresh: 'refresh',
searchPlaceholder: 'Enter search content',
setting: {
title: 'Setting',
theme: {
mode: 'Theme Mode',
color: 'Theme Color',
options: {
light: 'Light',
dark: 'Dark ',
auto: 'Follow System',
navigationLayout: 'Navigation Layout',
sideMode: 'Side Menu Mode',
splitMenu: 'Split Menu(Only Mix mode)',
fixedSidebar: 'Fixed Sidebar',
element: {
title: 'Element Switch',
showHeader: 'Show Header',
showBreadcrumb: 'Show Breadcrumb',
showFooter: 'Show Footer',
useTagTabs: 'Use Tag Tabs',
menuAutoCollapsed: 'Menu Auto Collapsed',
tips: 'Please copy and manually modify the configuration file: /src/config/style.ts',
copy: {
title: 'Copy',
success: 'copied',
fail: 'fail to copy',
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
export default {
outputOverview: {
title: 'In/Out Overview',
subtitle: '(pieces)',
export: 'Export data',
month: {
input: 'Total in store this month',
output: 'Total out store this month',
since: 'Since last week',
rankList: {
title: 'Sales order ranking',
week: 'This week',
month: 'Latest 3 months',
info: 'Detail',
topPanel: {
card1: 'Total Revenue',
card2: 'Total Refund',
card3: 'Active User(s)',
card4: 'Generate Order(s)',
cardTips: 'since last week',
analysis: {
title: 'Analysis Data',
unit: 'ten thousand yuan',
series1: 'this month',
series2: 'last month',
channels: 'Sales Channels',
channel1: 'online',
channel2: 'shop',
channelTips: ' sales ratio',
saleColumns: {
index: 'Ranking',
productName: 'Customer',
growUp: 'Grow up',
count: 'Count',
operation: 'Operation',
buyColumns: {
index: 'Ranking',
productName: 'Supplier',
growUp: 'Grow up',
count: 'Count',
operation: 'Operation',
chart: {
week1: 'MON',
week2: 'TUE',
week3: 'WED',
week4: 'THU',
week5: 'FRI',
week6: 'SAT',
week7: 'SUN',
max: 'Max',
min: 'Min',
thisMonth: 'this month',
lastMonth: 'last month',
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
export default {
topPanel: {
title: 'Purchase applications for this month',
quarter: 'Quarter on quarter',
paneList: {
totalRequest: 'Apply count',
suppliers: 'Number of Suppliers',
productCategory: 'Product Category',
applicant: 'Number of Application',
completionRate: 'Completion Rate(%)',
arrivalRate: 'Arrival Rate(%)',
procurement: {
title: 'Trends in purchase requisitions for goods',
goods: {
cup: 'cup',
tea: 'tea',
honey: 'honey',
flour: 'flour',
coffeeMachine: 'coffee machine',
massageMachine: 'massage machine',
ssl: 'SSL certificate',
'SSL certificate, also known as a server certificate, is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encrypts information sent to the server using SSL technology. Tencent Cloud provides you with a one-stop service for SSL certificates, including application, management, and deployment of both free and paid certificates.',
satisfaction: {
title: 'distribution of satisfaction levels for purchased goods',
export: 'export data',
chart: {
week1: 'MON',
week2: 'TUE',
week3: 'WED',
week4: 'THU',
week5: 'FRI',
week6: 'SAT',
week7: 'SUN',
max: 'Max',
min: 'Min',
thisMonth: 'this month',
lastMonth: 'last month',
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
export default {
baseInfo: {
title: 'Base Info',
changelog: {
title: 'Changelog',
step1: {
title: 'upload file',
subtitle: 'subtitle',
step2: {
title: 'modify contract amount',
subtitle: 'subtitle',
step3: {
title: 'create contract',
desc: 'administrator',
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
export default {
baseInfo: {
title: 'Base Info',
invoice: {
title: 'Invoice Progress',
step1: {
title: 'Apply',
content: 'The electronic invoice has been submitted on December 21st',
step2: {
title: 'Electronic invoice',
content: 'expected to be processed within 1-3 business days.',
step3: {
title: 'Invoice is send',
content: 'we will contact you within 7 business days.',
step4: {
title: 'Finish',
product: {
title: 'Product Category',
add: 'add production',
month: 'month',
quarter: 'quarter',
detail: {
title: 'Product Procurement Detail',
form: {
applyNo: 'Apply no',
product: 'Name',
productNo: 'No.',
department: 'Department',
num: 'Num',
createTime: 'Create time',
operation: 'Operation',
manage: 'manage',
delete: 'delete',
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
export default {
deployTrend: {
title: 'Deploy Trend',
warning: 'Warning',
thisMonth: 'this month',
thisWeek: 'this week',
lastMonth: 'last month',
thisYear: 'this year',
lastYear: 'last year',
week1: 'MON',
week2: 'TUE',
week3: 'WED',
week4: 'THU',
week5: 'FRI',
week6: 'SAT',
week7: 'SUN',
projectList: {
title: 'Project List',
dialog: {
title: 'Base Info',
table: {
name: 'Name',
admin: 'Admin',
createTime: 'Create time',
operation: 'Operation',
manage: 'manage',
delete: 'delete',
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
export default {
read: 'Read',
unread: 'Unread',
all: 'All',
setRead: 'set as read',
setUnread: 'set as unread',
delete: 'delete',
empty: 'Empty',
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
export default {
title: 'Contract Info',
contractName: 'Name',
contractStatus: 'Status',
contractNum: 'Number',
contractType: 'Type',
contractTypePlaceholder: 'Please enter type',
contractPayType: 'Pay Type',
contractAmount: 'Amount',
contractAmountPlaceholder: 'Please enter amount',
contractSignDate: 'Sign Date',
contractEffectiveDate: 'Effective Date',
contractEndDate: 'End Date',
company: 'Company',
employee: 'Employee',
pay: 'pay',
receive: 'received',
upload: 'upload file',
uploadFile: 'upload contract file',
uploadTips: 'Please upload a PDF file, with a size limit of 60MB.',
otherInfo: 'Other Info',
remark: 'Remark',
remarkPlaceholder: 'please enter remark',
notaryPublic: 'Notary Public',
confirm: 'confirm',
cancel: 'cancel',
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
export default {
step1: {
title: 'Submit Application',
subtitle: 'Submitted on December 21st',
rules: 'rules',
'1. After applying for an invoice, the electronic invoice will be issued within 1-3 working days. If the qualification review is passed, the VAT special invoice (paper) will be mailed to you within 10 working days after the electronic invoice is issued;',
rule2: '2. The invoiced amount will be the actual amount you paid;',
rule3: '3. For any questions, please contact us directly at 13300001111.',
contractName: 'Name',
contractTips: 'Please select a contract name',
invoiceType: 'Invoice type',
amount: 'Amount',
submit: 'Submit Application',
step2: {
title: 'Electronic Information',
subtitle: 'Contact Customer Service if you have any questions',
invoiceTitle: 'Invoice Title',
taxNum: 'Tax Num',
address: 'Address',
bank: 'Bank',
bankAccount: 'Bank Account',
email: 'Email',
tel: 'Tel',
invoiceTitlePlaceholder: 'please enter invoice title',
taxNumPlaceholder: 'please enter tax num',
addressPlaceholder: 'please enter address',
bankPlaceholder: 'please enter bank',
bankAccountPlaceholder: 'please enter bank account',
emailPlaceholder: 'please enter email',
telPlaceholder: 'please enter tel',
step3: {
title: 'Invoice Mailed',
subtitle: 'Contact us after the electronic invoice is issued',
consignee: 'Consignee',
mobileNum: 'Mobile Num',
deliveryAddress: 'Address',
fullAddress: 'Full Address',
step4: {
title: 'Application Completed',
subtitle: 'Contact Customer Service if you have any questions',
finishTitle: 'Application is completed.',
'The electronic invoice is expected to be sent to your email within 1-3 working days. Please be patient for the delivery of the paper invoice.',
reapply: 'reapply',
check: 'check progress',
preStep: 'pre step',
nextStep: 'next step',
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
import dashboardBase from './dashboard-base';
import dashboardDetail from './dashboard-detail';
import detailBase from './detail-base';
import detailCard from './detail-card';
import detailDeploy from './detail-deploy';
import detailSecondary from './detail-secondary';
import formBase from './form-base';
import formStep from './form-step';
import listBase from './list-base';
import listCard from './list-card';
import listFilter from './list-filter';
import listTree from './list-tree';
import login from './login';
import result from './result';
import user from './user';
export default {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
export default {
export: 'export',
create: 'create',
select: 'select',
items: 'items',
contractName: 'Name',
contractStatus: 'Status',
contractNum: 'Number',
contractType: 'Type',
contractPayType: 'Pay Type',
contractAmount: 'Amount',
operation: 'Operation',
detail: 'detail',
delete: 'delete',
pay: 'pay',
receive: 'received',
placeholder: 'please enter to search',
contractStatusEnum: {
fail: 'fail',
audit: 'audit',
executing: 'executing',
pending: 'pending',
finish: 'finish',
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
export default {
create: 'Create Product',
placeholder: 'please enter to search',
productName: 'Name',
productStatus: 'Status',
productDescription: 'Description',
productType: 'Type',
productRemark: 'Remark',
productStatusEnum: {
off: 'off',
on: 'on',
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export default {};
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export default {
placeholder: 'please enter to search',
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
export default {
loginTitle: 'Login in',
noAccount: 'No Account?',
createAccount: 'Create Account',
remember: 'Remember Account',
forget: 'Forget Account',
signIn: 'Sign in',
existAccount: 'Exist Account?',
refresh: 'refresh',
wechatLogin: 'Login with WeChat',
accountLogin: 'Login with Account',
phoneLogin: 'Login with Mobile Phone',
input: {
account: 'please enter account',
password: 'please enter password',
phone: 'please enter phone',
verification: 'please enter verification code',
required: {
account: 'account is required',
phone: 'phone is required',
password: 'password is required',
verification: 'verification code is require',
sendVerification: 'send',
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
export default {
403: {
tips: 'sorry, you don not have permission to access this page. Please contact the creator through WeCom',
back: 'Back to homepage',
404: {
subtitle: 'Sorry, the page is not found',
back: 'Back to homepage',
500: {
subtitle: 'Sorry, the server is error',
back: 'Back to homepage',
fail: {
title: 'Create fail',
subtitle: 'Sorry, your project creation has failed',
back: 'Back to homepage',
modify: 'Back to modify',
success: {
title: 'Project is created',
subtitle: 'Contact the person in charge of distributing the application',
back: 'Back to homepage',
progress: 'Check Progress',
maintenance: {
title: 'System maintenance',
subtitle: 'Please try again later',
back: 'Back to homepage',
browserIncompatible: {
title: 'browser is incompatible',
subtitle: 'the browser version you are using is too outdated to open the current webpage.',
back: 'Back to homepage',
recommend: 'TDesign Starter recommend the following browser',
networkError: {
title: 'Network Error',
subtitle: 'Network error, please try again later',
back: 'Back to homepage',
reload: 'Reload',
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
export default {
markDay: 'Good afternoon, today marks your 100th day at Tencent',
personalInfo: {
title: 'Personal Info',
position: 'Employee of the Hong Kong and Macau Business Expansion team',
desc: {
phone: 'Phone',
mobile: 'Mobile',
seat: 'Seat',
email: 'Email',
position: 'Position',
leader: 'Leader',
entity: 'Entity',
joinDay: 'Day of join',
group: 'Group',
contentList: 'Content List',
visitData: 'Visit Data',
teamMember: 'Team Member',
serviceProduction: 'Service Product',
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
export default {
isSetup: {
on: '已启用',
off: '已停用',
manage: '管理',
delete: '删除',
commonTable: {
contractName: '合同名称',
contractNamePlaceholder: '请输入合同名称',
contractStatus: '合同状态',
contractStatusPlaceholder: '请输入合同状态',
contractNum: '合同编号',
contractNumPlaceholder: '请输入合同编号',
contractType: '合同类型',
contractTypePlaceholder: '请选择合同类型',
contractPayType: '合同支付类型',
contractAmount: '合同金额',
operation: '操作',
detail: '详情',
delete: '删除',
placeholder: '请输入内容搜索',
contractStatusEnum: {
fail: '审核失败',
audit: '待审核',
executing: '履行中',
pending: '待履行',
finish: '已完成',
contractTypeEnum: {
main: '主合同',
sub: '子合同',
supplement: '补充合同',
reset: '重置',
query: '查询',
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
import componentsLocale from 'tdesign-vue-next/es/locale/zh_CN';
import components from './components';
import layout from './layout';
import pages from './pages';
export default {
lang: '简体中文',
constants: {
contract: {
name: '合同名称',
status: '合同状态',
num: '合同编号',
type: '合同类型',
typePlaceholder: '请输入类型',
payType: '合同收支类型',
amount: '合同金额',
amountPlaceholder: '请输入金额',
signDate: '合同签订日期',
effectiveDate: '合同生效日期',
endDate: '合同结束日期',
createDate: '合同创建时间',
company: '甲方',
employee: '乙方',
pay: '付款',
receive: '收款',
remark: '备注',
attachment: '附件',
statusOptions: {
fail: '审核失败',
auditPending: '待审核',
execPending: '待履行',
executing: '审核成功',
finish: '已完成',
typeOptions: {
main: '主合同',
sub: '子合同',
supplement: '补充合同',
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
export default {
header: {
code: '代码仓库',
help: '帮助文档',
user: '个人中心',
signOut: '退出登录',
setting: '系统设置',
notice: {
title: '通知中心',
clear: '清空',
setRead: '设为已读',
empty: '空',
emptyNotice: '暂无通知',
viewAll: '查看全部',
searchPlaceholder: '请输入搜索内容',
tagTabs: {
closeOther: '关闭其他',
closeLeft: '关闭左侧',
closeRight: '关闭右侧',
refresh: '刷新',
setting: {
title: '页面配置',
theme: {
mode: '主题模式',
color: '主题色',
options: {
light: '明亮',
dark: '暗黑',
auto: '跟随系统',
navigationLayout: '导航布局',
sideMode: '侧边栏模式',
splitMenu: '分割菜单(混合模式下有效)',
fixedSidebar: '固定侧边栏',
element: {
title: '元素开关',
showHeader: '显示顶栏',
showBreadcrumb: '显示面包屑',
showFooter: '显示页脚',
useTagTabs: '展示多标签Tab页',
menuAutoCollapsed: '菜单自动折叠',
tips: '请复制后手动修改配置文件: /src/config/style.ts',
copy: {
title: '复制配置项',
success: '复制成功',
fail: '复制失败',
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
export default {
title: '概览仪表盘',
outputOverview: {
title: '出入库概览',
subtitle: '(件)',
export: '导出数据',
month: {
input: '本月入库总计(件)',
output: '本月出库总计(件)',
since: '自从上周以来',
rankList: {
title: '销售订单排名',
week: '本周',
month: '近三月',
info: '详情',
topPanel: {
card1: '总收入',
card2: '总退款',
card3: '活跃用户(个)',
card4: '产生订单(个)',
cardTips: '自从上周以来',
analysis: {
title: '统计数据',
unit: '万元',
series1: '本月',
series2: '上月',
channels: '销售渠道',
channel1: '线上',
channel2: '门店',
channelTips: '销售占比',
saleColumns: {
index: '排名',
productName: '客户名称',
growUp: '较上周',
count: '订单量',
operation: '操作',
buyColumns: {
index: '排名',
productName: '供应商名称',
growUp: '较上周',
count: '订单量',
operation: '操作',
chart: {
week1: '周一',
week2: '周二',
week3: '周三',
week4: '周四',
week5: '周五',
week6: '周六',
week7: '周日',
max: '最大值',
min: '最小值',
thisMonth: '本月',
lastMonth: '上月',
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
export default {
topPanel: {
title: '本月采购申请情况',
quarter: '环比',
paneList: {
totalRequest: '总申请数(次)',
suppliers: '供应商数量(个)',
productCategory: '采购商品品类(类)',
applicant: '申请人数量(人)',
completionRate: '申请完成率(%)',
arrivalRate: '到货及时率(%)',
procurement: {
title: '采购商品申请趋势',
goods: {
cup: '杯子',
tea: '茶叶',
honey: '蜂蜜',
flour: '面粉',
coffeeMachine: '咖啡机',
massageMachine: '按摩仪',
ssl: 'SSL证书',
sslDescription: 'SSL证书又叫服务器证书,腾讯云为您提供证书的一站式服务,包括免费、付费证书的申请、管理及部署',
satisfaction: {
title: '采购商品满意度分布',
export: '导出数据',
chart: {
week1: '周一',
week2: '周二',
week3: '周三',
week4: '周四',
week5: '周五',
week6: '周六',
week7: '周日',
max: '最大值',
min: '最小值',
thisMonth: '本月',
lastMonth: '上月',
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
export default {
baseInfo: {
title: '基本信息',
changelog: {
title: '变更记录',
step1: {
title: '上传合同附件',
subtitle: '这里是提示文字',
step2: {
title: '修改合同金额',
subtitle: '这里是提示文字',
step3: {
title: '新建合同',
desc: '管理员-李川操作',
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
export default {
baseInfo: {
title: '基本信息',
invoice: {
title: '发票进度',
step1: {
title: '申请提交',
content: '已于12月21日提交',
step2: {
title: '电子发票',
content: '预计1~3个工作日',
step3: {
title: '发票已邮寄',
content: '电子发票开出后7个工作日联系',
step4: {
title: '完成',
product: {
title: '产品目录',
add: '新增产品',
month: '月份',
quarter: '季度',
detail: {
title: '产品采购明细',
form: {
applyNo: '申请号',
product: '产品名称',
productNo: '产品编号',
operation: '操作',
department: '申请部门',
num: '采购数量',
createTime: '创建时间',
manage: '管理',
delete: '删除',
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
export default {
deployTrend: {
title: '部署趋势',
warning: '告警情况',
thisMonth: '本月',
thisWeek: '本周',
lastMonth: '上月',
thisYear: '今年',
lastYear: '去年',
week1: '周一',
week2: '周二',
week3: '周三',
week4: '周四',
week5: '周五',
week6: '周六',
week7: '周日',
projectList: {
title: '项目列表',
dialog: {
title: '基本信息',
table: {
name: '名称',
admin: '管理员',
createTime: '创建时间',
operation: '操作',
manage: '管理',
delete: '删除',
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
export default {
read: '已读通知',
unread: '未读通知',
all: '全部通知',
setRead: '设为已读',
setUnread: '设为未读',
delete: '删除通知',
empty: '暂无通知',
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
export default {
title: '合同信息',
contractName: '合同名称',
contractStatus: '合同状态',
contractNum: '合同编号',
contractType: '合同类型',
contractTypePlaceholder: '请输入类型',
contractPayType: '合同收支类型',
contractAmount: '合同金额',
contractAmountPlaceholder: '请输入金额',
contractSignDate: '合同签订日期',
contractEffectiveDate: '合同生效日期',
contractEndDate: '合同结束日期',
company: '甲方',
employee: '乙方',
pay: '付款',
receive: '收款',
upload: '上传文件',
uploadFile: '上传合同',
uploadTips: '请上传pdf文件,大小在60M以内',
otherInfo: '其他信息',
remark: '备注',
remarkPlaceholder: '请输入备注',
notaryPublic: '公证人',
confirm: '确认提交',
cancel: '取消',
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
export default {
step1: {
title: '提交申请',
subtitle: '已于12月21日提交',
rules: '发票开具规则',
rule2: '2、开票金额为您实际支付金额;',
rule3: '3、如有疑问请直接联系:13300001111。',
contractName: '合同名称',
contractTips: '请选择合同名称',
invoiceType: '发票类型',
amount: '开票金额',
submit: '提交申请',
step2: {
title: '电子信息',
subtitle: '如有疑问联系客服',
invoiceTitle: '发票抬头',
taxNum: '纳税人识别号',
address: '地址',
bank: '开户行',
bankAccount: '银行账号',
email: '邮箱',
tel: '手机号',
titlePlaceholder: '请输入电子信息',
subtitlePlaceholder: '请输入如有疑问联系客服',
invoiceTitlePlaceholder: '请输入发票抬头',
taxNumPlaceholder: '请输入纳税人识别号',
addressPlaceholder: '请输入地址',
bankPlaceholder: '请输入开户行',
bankAccountPlaceholder: '请输入银行账号',
emailPlaceholder: '请输入邮箱',
telPlaceholder: '请输入手机号',
step3: {
title: '发票已邮寄',
subtitle: '电子发票开出后联系',
consignee: '收货人',
mobileNum: '手机号码',
deliveryAddress: '收货地址',
fullAddress: '详细地址',
step4: {
title: '完成申请',
subtitle: '如有疑问联系客服',
finishTitle: '完成开票申请',
finishTips: '预计1~3个工作日会将电子发票发至邮箱,发票邮寄请耐心等待',
reapply: '再次申请',
check: '查看进度',
preStep: '上一步',
nextStep: '下一步',
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
import dashboardBase from './dashboard-base';
import dashboardDetail from './dashboard-detail';
import detailBase from './detail-base';
import detailCard from './detail-card';
import detailDeploy from './detail-deploy';
import detailSecondary from './detail-secondary';
import formBase from './form-base';
import formStep from './form-step';
import listBase from './list-base';
import listCard from './list-card';
import listFilter from './list-filter';
import listTree from './list-tree';
import login from './login';
import result from './result';
import user from './user';
export default {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
export default {
export: '导出合同',
create: '新建合同',
select: '已选',
items: '项',
contractName: '合同名称',
contractStatus: '合同状态',
contractNum: '合同编号',
contractType: '合同类型',
contractPayType: '合同收支类型',
contractAmount: '合同金额',
operation: '操作',
detail: '详情',
delete: '删除',
pay: '付款',
receive: '收款',
placeholder: '请输入内容搜索',
contractStatusEnum: {
fail: '审核失败',
audit: '待审核',
executing: '履行中',
pending: '待履行',
finish: '已完成',
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
export default {
create: '新建产品',
placeholder: '请输入内容搜索',
productName: '产品名称',
productStatus: '产品状态',
productDescription: '产品描述',
productType: '产品类型',
productRemark: '备注',
productStatusEnum: {
off: '停用',
on: '启用',
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export default {};
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export default {
placeholder: '请输入内容进行搜索',
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
export default {
loginTitle: '登录到',
noAccount: '没有账号吗?',
existAccount: '已有账号?',
createAccount: '注册新账号',
remember: '记住账号',
forget: '忘记账号',
signIn: '登录',
register: '注册',
refresh: '刷新',
wechatLogin: '使用微信扫一扫登录',
accountLogin: '使用账号登录',
phoneLogin: '使用手机号登录',
input: {
account: '请输入账号',
password: '请输入登录密码',
phone: '请输入手机号',
verification: '请输入验证码',
required: {
account: '账号必填',
phone: '手机号必填',
password: '密码必填',
verification: '验证码必填',
sendVerification: '发送验证码',
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
export default {
403: {
tips: '抱歉,您无权限访问此页面,企业微信联系创建者',
back: '返回首页',
404: {
subtitle: '抱歉,您访问的页面不存在',
back: '返回首页',
500: {
subtitle: '抱歉,服务器出错啦',
back: '返回首页',
fail: {
title: '创建失败',
subtitle: '抱歉,您的项目创建失败,企业微信联系检查创建者权限,或返回修改。',
back: '回到首页',
modify: '返回修改',
success: {
title: '项目已创建成功',
subtitle: '可以联系负责人分发应用',
back: '回到首页',
progress: '查看进度',
maintenance: {
title: '系统维护中',
subtitle: '系统维护中,请稍后再试',
back: '回到首页',
browserIncompatible: {
title: '浏览器不兼容',
subtitle: '抱歉,您正在使用的浏览器版本过低,无法打开当前网页。',
back: '回到首页',
recommend: 'TDesign Starter 推荐以下主流浏览器',
networkError: {
title: '网络异常',
subtitle: '网络异常, 请稍后重试',
back: '回到首页',
reload: '重新加载',
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
export default {
markDay: '下午好,今天是你加入鹅厂的第 100 天',
personalInfo: {
title: '个人信息',
position: '港澳业务拓展组员工 直客销售 ',
desc: {
phone: '座机',
mobile: '手机',
seat: '座位',
email: '邮箱',
position: '职位',
leader: '上级',
entity: '主体',
joinDay: '入职时间',
group: '所属团队',
visitData: '首页访问数据',
contentList: '内容列表',
teamMember: '团队成员',
serviceProduction: '服务产品',
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
import { useLocalStorage } from '@vueuse/core';
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { i18n, langCode, localeConfigKey } from '@/locales/index';
export function useLocale() {
const { locale } = useI18n({ useScope: 'global' });
function changeLocale(lang: string) {
// 如果切换的语言不在对应语言文件里则默认为简体中文
if (!langCode.includes(lang)) {
lang = 'zh_CN';
locale.value = lang;
useLocalStorage(localeConfigKey, 'zh_CN').value = lang;
const getComponentsLocale = computed(() => {
return i18n.global.getLocaleMessage(locale.value).componentsLocale;
return {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user