feat: layout edit

This commit is contained in:
pengYYY 2021-12-17 14:38:13 +08:00
parent 719a297a3d
commit 93814a994d
21 changed files with 338 additions and 528 deletions

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@ -21,27 +21,12 @@
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View File

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View File

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'@brand-color-3': '#85daff', '@brand-color-3': '#84cafd',
'@brand-color-4': '#5cc5fc', '@brand-color-4': '#58b8fc',
'@brand-color-5': '#31adfb', '@brand-color-5': '#29a4fb',
'@brand-color-6': '#0594fa', '@brand-color-6': '#0594FA',
'@brand-color-7': '#007edf', '@brand-color-7': '#29a4fb',
'@brand-color-8': '#0068c0', '@brand-color-8': '#0594FA',
'@brand-color-9': '#00549e', '@brand-color-9': '#0378df',
'@brand-color-10': '#00417d', '@brand-color-10': '#01409b',
}, },
'@brand-color': '#00a870', '@brand-color': '#00A870',
'@brand-color-1': '#dff7ed', '@brand-color-1': '#8dffd9',
'@brand-color-2': '#a9e8cd', '@brand-color-2': '#00f2a2',
'@brand-color-3': '#69d5ab', '@brand-color-3': '#00dc92',
'@brand-color-4': '#30bf8b', '@brand-color-4': '#00c583',
'@brand-color-5': '#00a870', '@brand-color-5': '#00A870',
'@brand-color-6': '#00935d', '@brand-color-6': '#009a5d',
'@brand-color-7': '#007e4a', '@brand-color-7': '#00c583',
'@brand-color-8': '#006937', '@brand-color-8': '#00A870',
'@brand-color-9': '#005426', '@brand-color-9': '#009a5d',
'@brand-color-10': '#004114', '@brand-color-10': '#004a14',
}, },
'@brand-color': '#ED7B2F', '@brand-color': '#ED7B2F',
'@brand-color-1': '#ffefdb', '@brand-color-1': '#fce5d7',
'@brand-color-2': '#ffd3a3', '@brand-color-2': '#f8cdaf',
'@brand-color-3': '#ffb473', '@brand-color-3': '#f4b285',
'@brand-color-4': '#ff9247', '@brand-color-4': '#f19659',
'@brand-color-5': '#ed7b2f', '@brand-color-5': '#ED7B2F',
'@brand-color-6': '#d6621c', '@brand-color-6': '#e75510',
'@brand-color-7': '#c24c08', '@brand-color-7': '#f19659',
'@brand-color-8': '#a23c00', '@brand-color-8': '#ED7B2F',
'@brand-color-9': '#872d00', '@brand-color-9': '#e75510',
'@brand-color-10': '#691f00', '@brand-color-10': '#7f0a02',
}, },
RED: { RED: {
'@brand-color': '#E34D59', '@brand-color': '#E34D59',
'@brand-color-1': '#ffe9e9', '@brand-color-1': '#fbe5e7',
'@brand-color-2': '#ffccce', '@brand-color-2': '#f7ccd0',
'@brand-color-3': '#ffacaf', '@brand-color-3': '#f3b2b8',
'@brand-color-4': '#ff888c', '@brand-color-4': '#ef989f',
'@brand-color-5': '#fb646d', '@brand-color-5': '#ea7b84',
'@brand-color-6': '#e34d59', '@brand-color-6': '#E34D59',
'@brand-color-7': '#c93043', '@brand-color-7': '#ea7b84',
'@brand-color-8': '#b01531', '@brand-color-8': '#E34D59',
'@brand-color-9': '#960022', '@brand-color-9': '#e42c3a',
'@brand-color-10': '#730021', '@brand-color-10': '#8d0309',
}, },
'@brand-color': '#ED49B4', '@brand-color': '#ED49B4',
'@brand-color-1': '#ffe9ff', '@brand-color-1': '#fce5f4',
'@brand-color-2': '#ffd1fc', '@brand-color-2': '#facae9',
'@brand-color-3': '#ffb2f2', '@brand-color-3': '#f7aede',
'@brand-color-4': '#ff8fe1', '@brand-color-4': '#f491d2',
'@brand-color-5': '#f6c', '@brand-color-5': '#f172c5',
'@brand-color-6': '#ed49b4', '@brand-color-6': '#ED49B4',
'@brand-color-7': '#d42c9d', '@brand-color-7': '#f172c5',
'@brand-color-8': '#bc0088', '@brand-color-8': '#ED49B4',
'@brand-color-9': '#9b006b', '@brand-color-9': '#e80f9d',
'@brand-color-10': '#7b0052', '@brand-color-10': '#8f025e',
}, },
'@brand-color': '#834ec2', '@brand-color': '#834EC2',
'@brand-color-1': '#f3e0ff', '@brand-color-1': '#eee6f7',
'@brand-color-2': '#e6c4ff', '@brand-color-2': '#ddceee',
'@brand-color-3': '#d8abff', '@brand-color-3': '#ccb6e6',
'@brand-color-4': '#c68cff', '@brand-color-4': '#bb9ede',
'@brand-color-5': '#ae78f0', '@brand-color-5': '#ab87d5',
'@brand-color-6': '#9963d8', '@brand-color-6': '#9a6fce',
'@brand-color-7': '#834ec2', '@brand-color-7': '#9a6fce',
'@brand-color-8': '#6d3bac', '@brand-color-8': '#834EC2',
'@brand-color-9': '#572796', '@brand-color-9': '#783ac3',
'@brand-color-10': '#421381', '@brand-color-10': '#4c1397',
}, },
'@brand-color': '#ebb105', '@brand-color': '#EBB105',
'@brand-color-1': '#fff8b8', '@brand-color-1': '#fde9ab',
'@brand-color-2': '#ffe478', '@brand-color-2': '#fbd152',
'@brand-color-3': '#fbca25', '@brand-color-3': '#EBB105',
'@brand-color-4': '#ebb105', '@brand-color-4': '#dda204',
'@brand-color-5': '#d29c00', '@brand-color-5': '#ca8d03',
'@brand-color-6': '#ba8700', '@brand-color-6': '#b67803',
'@brand-color-7': '#a37200', '@brand-color-7': '#fbd152',
'@brand-color-8': '#8c5f00', '@brand-color-8': '#EBB105',
'@brand-color-9': '#754c00', '@brand-color-9': '#dda204',
'@brand-color-10': '#5e3a00', '@brand-color-10': '#603100',
}, },
}; };
@ -152,14 +171,35 @@ export function getGreyColor(type: string): ColorToken {
return BACKGROUND_TOKEN[name] || {}; return BACKGROUND_TOKEN[name] || {};
} }
export function getBrandColor(type: string): ColorToken { export function getBrandColor(type: string, colorList: ColorSeries): ColorToken {
const name = toUnderline(type); const name = /^#[A-F\d]{6}$/i.test(type) ? type : toUnderline(type);
return COLOR_TOKEN[name] || COLOR_TOKEN.DEFAULT; return colorList[name || 'DEFAULT'];
} }
export function getColorList(colorArray: [ColorToken]): string[] { export function getColorList(colorArray: Array<ColorToken>): Array<string> {
const pureColorList = []; const pureColorList = [];
colorArray.map((colorToken) => Object.keys(colorToken).map((key) => pureColorList.push(colorToken[key]))); colorArray.map((colorToken) => Object.keys(colorToken).map((key) => pureColorList.push(colorToken[key])));
return pureColorList; return pureColorList;
} }
export function insertThemeStylesheet(theme: string, colorMap: ColorToken) {
const styleSheet = document.createElement('style');
styleSheet.type = 'text/css';
styleSheet.innerText = `:root[theme-color='${theme}'],
--td-brand-color: ${colorMap['@brand-color']};
--td-brand-color-1: ${colorMap['@brand-color-1']};
--td-brand-color-2: ${colorMap['@brand-color-2']};
--td-brand-color-3: ${colorMap['@brand-color-3']};
--td-brand-color-4: ${colorMap['@brand-color-4']};
--td-brand-color-5: ${colorMap['@brand-color-5']};
--td-brand-color-6: ${colorMap['@brand-color-6']};
--td-brand-color-7: ${colorMap['@brand-color-7']};
--td-brand-color-8: ${colorMap['@brand-color-8']};
--td-brand-color-9: ${colorMap['@brand-color-9']};
--td-brand-color-10: ${colorMap['@brand-color-10']};

View File

@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
export default [
path: '/dashboard',
icon: 'dashboard',
title: '仪表盘',
component: '../layouts/index.tsx',
redirect: '/dashboard/base',
children: [
title: '概览仪表盘',
path: 'base',
component: '../pages/dashboard/base/index.vue',
title: '统计报表',
path: 'detail',
component: '../pages/dashboard/detail/index.vue',
path: '/list',
icon: 'view-module',
title: '列表页',
component: '../layouts/index.tsx',
redirect: '/list/base',
children: [
title: '基础列表页',
path: 'base',
component: '../pages/list/base/index.vue',
title: '卡片列表页',
path: 'card',
component: '../pages/list/card/index.vue',
title: '筛选列表页',
path: 'filter',
component: '../pages/list/filter/index.vue',
title: '树状筛选列表页',
path: 'tree',
component: '../pages/list/tree/index.vue',
path: '/form',
icon: 'queue',
title: '表单页',
component: '../layouts/index.tsx',
redirect: '/form/base',
children: [
title: '基础表单页',
path: 'base',
component: '../pages/form/base/index.vue',
title: '分步表单页',
path: 'step',
component: '../pages/form/step/index.vue',
path: '/detail',
icon: 'layers',
title: '详情页',
component: '../layouts/index.tsx',
redirect: '/detail/base',
children: [
title: '基础详情页',
path: 'base',
component: '../pages/detail/base/index.vue',
// 默认不填则需要每个页面都会经过登录的校验若不需要进行登录校验则将needLogin设为false
meta: { needLogin: false, title: '基础详情页' },
title: '多卡片详情页',
path: 'advanced',
component: '../pages/detail/advanced/index.vue',
title: '数据详情页',
path: 'deploy',
component: '../pages/detail/deploy/index.vue',
title: '二级详情页',
path: 'secondary',
component: '../pages/detail/secondary/index.vue',
path: '/result',
icon: 'check-circle',
title: '结果页',
component: '../layouts/index.tsx',
redirect: '/result/success',
children: [
title: '成功页',
path: 'success',
component: '../pages/result/success/index.vue',
title: '失败页',
path: 'fail',
component: '../pages/result/fail/index.vue',
title: '网络异常',
path: 'network-error',
component: '../pages/result/network-error/index.vue',
title: '无权限',
path: '403',
component: '../pages/result/403/index.vue',
title: '访问页面不存在页',
path: '404',
component: '../pages/result/404/index.vue',
title: '服务器出错页',
path: '500',
component: '../pages/result/500/index.vue',
title: '浏览器不兼容页',
path: 'browser-incompatible',
component: '../pages/result/browser-incompatible/index.vue',
path: '/user',
icon: 'user-circle',
title: '个人页',
component: '../layouts/index.tsx',
redirect: '/user/index',
children: [
title: '个人中心',
path: 'index',
component: '../pages/user/index.vue',
// 自定义登录页面
path: '/login',
title: '登录页',
component: '../layouts/blank.vue',
icon: 'chevron-right-rectangle',
redirect: '/login/index',
children: [
title: '登录中心',
path: 'index',
meta: { needLogin: false },
component: '../pages/login/index.vue',

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div :class="layoutCls"> <div :class="layoutCls">
<t-head-menu :class="menuCls" :theme="theme" expand-type="popup" :value="active"> <t-head-menu :class="menuCls" :theme="theme" expand-type="popup" :value="active">
<template #logo> <template #logo>
<span v-if="showLogo" class="header-logo-container" @click="goHome"> <span v-if="showLogo" class="header-logo-container" @click="handleNav('/dashboard/base')">
<tLogoFull class="t-logo" /> <tLogoFull class="t-logo" />
</span> </span>
<div v-else class="header-operate-left"> <div v-else class="header-operate-left">
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<search :layout="layout" /> <search :layout="layout" />
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<sub-menu v-show="layout !== 'side'" class="header-menu" :nav-data="menu" /> <menu-content v-show="layout !== 'side'" class="header-menu" :nav-data="menu" />
<template #operations> <template #operations>
<div class="operations-container"> <div class="operations-container">
<!-- 搜索框 --> <!-- 搜索框 -->
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ import { MenuRoute } from '@/interface';
import Notice from './Notice.vue'; import Notice from './Notice.vue';
import Search from './Search.vue'; import Search from './Search.vue';
import SubMenu from './SubMenu'; import MenuContent from './MenuContent';
export default defineComponent({ export default defineComponent({
components: { components: {
tLogoFull, tLogoFull,
Notice, Notice,
Search, Search,
SubMenu, MenuContent,
}, },
props: { props: {
theme: { theme: {
@ -122,10 +122,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
store.commit('setting/toggleSettingPanel', true); store.commit('setting/toggleSettingPanel', true);
}; };
const goHome = () => {
const active = computed(() => { const active = computed(() => {
const route = useRoute(); const route = useRoute();
if (!route.path) { if (!route.path) {
@ -173,16 +169,15 @@ export default defineComponent({
}; };
const navToGitHub = () => { const navToGitHub = () => {
window.open('https://github.com/TDesignOteam/tdesign-vue-next-starter'); window.open('https://github.com/tencent/tdesign-vue-next-starter');
}; };
const navToHelper = () => { const navToHelper = () => {
window.open('http://tdesign.tencent.com/starter/get-started.html'); window.open('http://tdesign.tencent.com/starter/docs/get-started');
}; };
return { return {
isSidebarCompact, isSidebarCompact,
toggleSettingPanel, toggleSettingPanel,
active, active,
showMenu, showMenu,

View File

@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ const useRenderNav = (list: Array<MenuRoute>) => {
}; };
export default defineComponent({ export default defineComponent({
name: 'SubMenu',
props: { props: {
navData: { navData: {
type: Array as PropType<MenuRoute[]>, type: Array as PropType<MenuRoute[]>,

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { useStore } from 'vuex'; import { useStore } from 'vuex';
import { PREFIX } from '@/config/global'; import { PREFIX } from '@/config/global';
import pgk from '../../../package.json'; import pgk from '../../../package.json';
import SubMenu from './SubMenu'; import MenuContent from './MenuContent';
import tLogo from '@/assets/assets-t-logo.svg?component'; import tLogo from '@/assets/assets-t-logo.svg?component';
import tLogoFull from '@/assets/assets-logo-full.svg?component'; import tLogoFull from '@/assets/assets-logo-full.svg?component';
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const useComputed = (props) => {
export default defineComponent({ export default defineComponent({
name: 'SideNav', name: 'SideNav',
components: { components: {
SubMenu, MenuContent,
tLogoFull, tLogoFull,
tLogo, tLogo,
}, },
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
), ),
}} }}
> >
<sub-menu navData={this.menu} /> <menu-content navData={this.menu} />
</t-menu> </t-menu>
<div class={`${PREFIX}-side-nav-placeholder${this.collapsed ? '-hidden' : ''}`}></div> <div class={`${PREFIX}-side-nav-placeholder${this.collapsed ? '-hidden' : ''}`}></div>
</div> </div>

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ const { state } = store;
* @returns {} * @returns {}
*/ */
export function getColorFromTheme(theme: string) { export function getColorFromTheme(theme: string) {
const themeColor = getBrandColor(theme); const { setting } = state as any;
const themeColor = getBrandColor(theme, setting.colorList);
const themeColorList: Array<string> = []; const themeColorList: Array<string> = [];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax

View File

@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
}; };
const navToGitHub = () => { const navToGitHub = () => {
window.open('https://github.com/TDesignOteam/tdesign-vue-next-starter'); window.open('https://github.com/tencent/tdesign-vue-next-starter');
}; };
const navToHelper = () => { const navToHelper = () => {
window.open('http://tdesign.tencent.com/starter/get-started.html'); window.open('http://tdesign.tencent.com/starter/docs/get-started');
}; };
return { return {

View File

@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ import QrcodeVue from 'qrcode.vue';
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next';
import { useCounter } from '@/utils/hooks'; import { useCounter } from '@/utils/hooks';
import { passwordValidator } from '../helper';
const INITIAL_DATA = { const INITIAL_DATA = {
phone: '', phone: '',
account: '', account: '',
@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ const FORM_RULES = {
{ required: true, message: '手机号必填', type: 'error' }, { required: true, message: '手机号必填', type: 'error' },
{ telnumber: true, message: '请输入正确的手机号', type: 'warning' }, { telnumber: true, message: '请输入正确的手机号', type: 'warning' },
], ],
password: [{ required: true, message: '密码必填', type: 'error' }, { validator: passwordValidator }], password: [{ required: true, message: '密码必填', type: 'error' }],
verifyCode: [{ required: true, message: '验证码必填', type: 'error' }], verifyCode: [{ required: true, message: '验证码必填', type: 'error' }],
}; };

View File

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next';
import { useCounter } from '@/utils/hooks'; import { useCounter } from '@/utils/hooks';
import { passwordValidator } from '../helper';
const INITIAL_DATA = { const INITIAL_DATA = {
phone: '', phone: '',
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ const FORM_RULES = {
{ required: true, message: '邮箱必填', type: 'error' }, { required: true, message: '邮箱必填', type: 'error' },
{ email: true, message: '请输入正确的邮箱', type: 'warning' }, { email: true, message: '请输入正确的邮箱', type: 'warning' },
], ],
password: [{ required: true, message: '密码必填', type: 'error' }, { validator: passwordValidator }], password: [{ required: true, message: '密码必填', type: 'error' }],
verifyCode: [{ required: true, message: '验证码必填', type: 'error' }], verifyCode: [{ required: true, message: '验证码必填', type: 'error' }],
}; };

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
export const passwordValidator = (val) => {
if (!/^[a-z0-9_]{1,20}$/.test(val)) {
return { result: false, message: '需要为1-20个英文或数字字符', type: 'error' };
if (val && val.indexOf('_') === -1) {
return { result: false, message: '需包含下划线_', type: 'warning' };
return { result: true };
export default {

View File

@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts"> <script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, computed } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
import Login from './components/Login.vue'; import Login from './components/Login.vue';
import Register from './components/Register.vue'; import Register from './components/Register.vue';
@ -40,19 +39,13 @@ export default defineComponent({
}, },
setup() { setup() {
const type = ref('login'); const type = ref('login');
const store = useStore();
const switchType = (val: string) => { const switchType = (val: string) => {
type.value = val; type.value = val;
}; };
const mode = computed(() => {
return store.state.setting.mode;
return { return {
type, type,
switchType, switchType,
}; };
}, },
}); });

View File

@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
<template> <template>
<result <result title="浏览器不兼容" type="ie" tip="抱歉,您正在使用的浏览器版本过低,无法打开当前网页。">
<div class="result-slot-container"> <div class="result-slot-container">
<t-button class="result-button" @click="() => $router.push('/')">返回首页</t-button> <t-button class="result-button" @click="() => $router.push('/')">返回首页</t-button>
<div class="recommend-container"> <div class="recommend-container">
@ -54,8 +49,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
top: 175px; top: 175px;
padding: 24px 48px; padding: 24px 48px;
width: 640px; width: 640px;
background: #ffffff; background: @bg-color-container;
box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px @shadow-1;
border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px;
} }

View File

@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
import STYLE_CONFIG from '@/config/style'; import STYLE_CONFIG from '@/config/style';
import { COLOR_TOKEN, ColorSeries } from '@/config/color';
// 定义的state初始值 // 定义的state初始值
const state = { const state = {
showSettingPanel: false, showSettingPanel: false,
colorList: COLOR_TOKEN,
}; };
type IInitStateType = typeof state;
interface IStateType extends IInitStateType {
isAsideFooter: boolean;
showSettingPanel: boolean;
const mutations = { const mutations = {
update(state, payload) { update(state: IStateType, payload: IStateType) {
state.showBreadcrumb = payload.showBreadcrumb; state.showBreadcrumb = payload.showBreadcrumb;
state.mode = payload.mode; state.mode = payload.mode;
state.layout = payload.layout; state.layout = payload.layout;
state.isSidebarCompact = payload.isSidebarCompact; state.isSidebarCompact = payload.isSidebarCompact;
state.logoPosition = payload.logoPosition;
state.splitMenu = payload.splitMenu; state.splitMenu = payload.splitMenu;
state.isFooterAside = payload.isFooterAside; state.isFooterAside = payload.isFooterAside;
state.isSidebarFixed = payload.isSidebarFixed; state.isSidebarFixed = payload.isSidebarFixed;
@ -21,15 +29,19 @@ const mutations = {
state.backgroundTheme = payload.backgroundTheme; state.backgroundTheme = payload.backgroundTheme;
state.brandTheme = payload.brandTheme; state.brandTheme = payload.brandTheme;
}, },
toggleSidebarCompact(state) { toggleSidebarCompact(state: IStateType) {
state.isSidebarCompact = !state.isSidebarCompact; state.isSidebarCompact = !state.isSidebarCompact;
}, },
showSidebarCompact(state, payload) { showSidebarCompact(state: IStateType, payload: boolean) {
state.isSidebarCompact = payload; state.isSidebarCompact = payload;
}, },
toggleSettingPanel(state, payload) {
toggleSettingPanel(state: IStateType, payload: boolean) {
state.showSettingPanel = payload; state.showSettingPanel = payload;
}, },
addColor(state: IStateType, payload: ColorSeries) {
state.colorList = { ...state.colorList, ...payload };
}; };
const getters = { const getters = {