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2024-01-24 17:36:08 +08:00
# Upgrading phpgeo
## Update from phpgeo 3.x to phpgeo 4.x
### Requirements
- _phpgeo_ 4.x requires at least PHP 7.3 and fully supports PHP 8
### Update phpgeo
- run `composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^4.0` or
- update the version constraint in your `composer.json` to `^4.0` and run `composer update`
### Update Your Code
- Setters in `DMS` and `Line` classes are deprecated and will be removed
with the next release. Use constructor arguments instead.
No breaking changes were introduced with *phpgeo* 3.0.
## Update from phpgeo 2.x to phpgeo 3.x
### Requirements
- _phpgeo_ 3.x requires at least PHP 7.2
### Update phpgeo
- run `composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^3.0` or
- update the version constraint in your `composer.json` to `^3.0` and run `composer update`
### Update Your Code
The result of `Ellipsoid::getName()` for the built-in *WGS-84* ellipsoid returned `World␣Geodetic␣System␣␣1984` in *phpgeo* 2.x (two space characters before `1984`). Starting with *phpgeo* 3.0, the result is `World␣Geodetic␣System␣1984` (single space character before `1984`). Please verify that your code is still working if you're using that result.
Starting with *phpgeo* 3.0 class constant visiblity modifiers are used. One class constant was changed to *private* visibility: `BearingSpherical::EARTH_RADIUS`. Please verify that your code isn't using that class constant.
No further breaking changes were introduced with *phpgeo* 3.0.