# phpgeo - A Simple Geo Library for PHP phpgeo provides abstractions to geographical coordinates (including support for different ellipsoids) and allows you to calculate geographical distances between coordinates with high precision. 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The 3.x releases require PHP >= 7.2 but don't get feature updates any longer. Bugfixes will be backported. The 2.x releases require PHP >= 7.0 but don't get feature updates any longer. Bugfixes won't be backported. The 1.x release line has support for PHP >= 5.4. Bugfixes won't be backported. ## Documentation The documentation is available at https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/ ## Installation Using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org), just add it to your `composer.json` by running: ``` composer require mjaschen/phpgeo ``` ## Upgrading Update the version constraint in the project's `composer.json` and run `composer update` or require the new version by running: ```shell composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^4.0 ``` ## License Starting with version 2.0.0 phpgeo is licensed under the MIT license. Older versions were GPL-licensed. ## Features **Info:** Please visit the **[documentation site](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/)** for complete and up-to-date documentation with many examples! phpgeo provides the following features (follow the links for examples): - abstractions of several geometry objects ([coordinate/point](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Coordinate.html), [line](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Line.html), [polyline/GPS track](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Polyline.html), [polygon](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Polygon.html) - support for different [ellipsoids](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Ellipsoid.html), e.g. WGS-84 - [length/distance/perimeter calculations](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Calculations/Distance_and_Length.html) with different implementations (Haversine, Vincenty) - [Geofence](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Calculations/Geofence.html) calculation, i.e. answering the question "Is this point contained in that area/polygon?" and other [intersection](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Comparisons/Intersections.html) checks between different geometries - [formatting and output](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Formatting_and_Output/index.html) of geometry objects (GeoJSON, nice strings, e. g. `18° 54′ 41″ -155° 40′ 42″`) - calculation of [bearing angle between two points](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Calculations/Bearing_and_Destination.html#page_Bearing-between-two-points) (spherical or with Vincenty's formula) - calculation of a [destination point for a given starting point](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Calculations/Bearing_and_Destination.html#page_Destination-point-for-given-bearing-and-distance), bearing angle, and distance (spherical or with Vincenty's formula) - calculation of the [perpendicular distance between a point and a line](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Calculations/Perpendicular_Distance.html) - calculation of the [Cardinal Distances between two points](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Calculations/Cardinal_Distance.html) - getting segments of a [polyline](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Polyline.html#page_Segments) /[polygon](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Polygon.html#page_Segments), - [reversing direction](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/Geometries/Polygon.html#page_Reverse-Direction) of polyline/polygon ## Examples/Usage This list is incomplete, please visit the [documentation site](https://phpgeo.marcusjaschen.de/) for the full monty of documentation and examples! ### Distance between two coordinates (Vincenty's Formula) Use the calculator object directly: ```php getDistance($coordinate1, $coordinate2); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers) ``` or call the `getDistance()` method of a Coordinate object by injecting a calculator object: ```php getDistance($coordinate2, new Vincenty()); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers) ``` ### Simplifying a polyline Polylines can be simplified to save storage space or bandwidth. Simplification is done with the [Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer–Douglas–Peucker_algorithm) (AKA Douglas-Peucker algorithm). ```php addPoint(new Coordinate(10.0, 10.0)); $polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(20.0, 20.0)); $polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(30.0, 10.0)); $processor = new Simplify($polyline); // remove all points which perpendicular distance is less // than 1500 km from the surrounding points. $simplified = $processor->simplify(1500000); // simplified is the polyline without the second point (which // perpendicular distance is ~1046 km and therefore below // the simplification threshold) ``` ### Polygon contains a point (e.g. "GPS geofence") phpgeo has a polygon implementation which can be used to determinate if a point is contained in it or not. A polygon consists of at least three points. Points are instances of the `Coordinate` class. **Warning:** The calculation gives wrong results if the polygons has points on both sides of the 180/-180 degrees meridian. ```php addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.085870,-77.016261)); $geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.086373,-77.033813)); $geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.102823,-77.030938)); $geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.098669,-77.006476)); $outsidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.075452, -76.985079); $insidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.092542, -77.021540); var_dump($geofence->contains($outsidePoint)); // returns bool(false) the point is outside the polygon var_dump($geofence->contains($insidePoint)); // returns bool(true) the point is inside the polygon ``` ### Formatted output of coordinates You can format a coordinate in different styles. #### Decimal Degrees ```php format(new DecimalDegrees()); ``` #### Degrees/Minutes/Seconds (DMS) ```php format($formatter); // 18° 54′ 41″ -155° 40′ 42″ $formatter->setSeparator(", ") ->useCardinalLetters(true) ->setUnits(DMS::UNITS_ASCII); echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54' 41" N, 155° 40' 42" W ``` #### GeoJSON ```php format(new GeoJSON()); // { "type" : "point" , "coordinates" : [ -155.678268, 18.911306 ] } ``` ## Development ### Run Tests Before submitting a pull request, please be sure to run all checks and tests and ensure everything is green. - lint PHP files for syntax errors: `composer ci:lint` - run static analysis with [Psalm][] and report errors: `composer ci:psalm` - run unit tests with PHPUnit: `composer ci:tests` To run all checks and tests at once, just use `composer ci`. Of course, it's possible to use the test runners directly, e.g. for PHPUnit: ```shell ./vendor/bin/phpunit ``` Psalm: ```shell ./vendor/bin/psalm ``` ## Credits * Marcus Jaschen and [all contributors](https://github.com/mjaschen/phpgeo/graphs/contributors) * [Chris Veness](http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-vincenty.html) - JavaScript implementation of the [Vincenty formula](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenty%27s_formulae) for distance calculation * Ersts,P.J., Horning, N., and M. Polin[Internet] Perpendicular Distance Calculator(version 1.2.2) [Documentation](http://biodiversityinformatics.amnh.org/open_source/pdc/documentation.php). American Museum of Natural History, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation. Available from http://biodiversityinformatics.amnh.org/open_source/pdc. Accessed on 2013-07-07. * W. Randolph Franklin, PNPOLY - Point Inclusion in Polygon Test [Documentation](http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html) [Psalm]: https://github.com/vimeo/psalm