This commit is contained in:
yangchunyu 2024-06-26 18:06:06 +08:00
commit eebb052370
12 changed files with 317 additions and 320 deletions

View File

@ -1,337 +1,341 @@
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<image class="image" src="../../static/car.png" />
<text style="margin-left: 30rpx;">机动车</text>
<view class="card-content-bottom">
<text style="font-size: 26rpx;">未查询到备案的机动车</text>
<view class="card-content" @click="drivingLicence">
<view class="card-content-top">
<image class="image" src="../../static/驾驶证.png" />
<text style="margin-left: 30rpx;">驾驶证</text>
<view class="card-content-bottom">
<text style="font-size: 26rpx;">未查询到备案的驾驶证</text>
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<view class="business-content">
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<text style="font-size: 12px;"> {{ item.text }} </text>
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<text style="font-weight:600; font-size: 34rpx;">资讯中心</text>
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style="color: #8ca9cd; font-size: 24rpx; display: inline-block; text-align: center;">未来会有更过服务,更好的体验现在快把我分享给帮你的好友吧</text>
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<view style="border-bottom: 1rpx solid #e5e5e8; width: 25%" />
<text style="color: #727272;margin: 0 10rpx; font-size: 24rpx;">交管12123版本v3.1.1 B603</text>
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<view class="card">
<view class="card-content">
<view class="card-content-top">
<image class="image" src="../../static/car.png" />
<text style="margin-left: 30rpx">机动车</text>
<view class="card-content-bottom">
<text style="font-size: 26rpx">未查询到备案的机动车</text>
<view class="card-content" @click="drivingLicence">
<view class="card-content-top">
<image class="image" src="../../static/jiashizheng.png" />
<text style="margin-left: 30rpx">驾驶证</text>
<view class="card-content-bottom">
<text style="font-size: 26rpx">未查询到备案的驾驶证</text>
<view class="business">
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<view class="business-content" @click="closedclick(">
<image class="image" style="margin-bottom: 20rpx" :src="item.img" />
<text style="font-size: 12px">{{ item.text }}</text>
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<text style="font-weight: 600; font-size: 34rpx">资讯中心</text>
<text style="font-size: 24rpx; font-weight: 400; color: #9b9b9b; margin-left: 50rpx">最新实时地方交通资讯</text>
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<image src="../../static/index-bgd.png" style="width: 200rpx; height: 200rpx; margin-left: 20rpx"></image>
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<text>{{ '测试数据' }}</text>
<view style="width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; color: #cecdd3; font-size: 28rpx">
{{ '2024-06-14' }}
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<text style="color: #8ca9cd; font-size: 24rpx; display: inline-block; text-align: center">未来会有更过服务,更好的体验现在快把我分享给帮你的好友吧</text>
<view class="bottom-bottom">
<view style="border-bottom: 1rpx solid #e5e5e8; width: 25%" />
<text style="color: #727272; margin: 0 10rpx; font-size: 24rpx">交管12123版本v3.1.1 B603</text>
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<script setup>
import {
} from 'vue';
const businessList = ref([{
img: '../../static/日历.png',
text: '考试预约\n\n',
id: '1'
img: '../../static/新车选号.png',
text: '新车选号\n\n',
id: '2'
img: '../../static/备案.png',
text: '备案非本\n人机动车',
id: '3'
img: '../../static/新车选号.png',
text: '申请新车\n临时号牌',
id: '4'
img: '../../static/认领.png',
text: '业务委托\n申请',
id: '5'
img: '../../static/老人.png',
text: '老年人业\n务代办',
id: '6'
img: '../../static/公布.png',
text: '号牌号段\n公布',
id: '7'
img: '../../static/考试.png',
text: '考试信息\n公布',
id: '8'
img: '../../static/一键挪车.png',
text: '一键挪车\n\n',
id: '9'
img: '../../static/更多.png',
text: '更多\n\n',
id: '10'
const info = [{
content: '内容 A'
}, {
content: '内容 B'
}, {
content: '内容 C'
const current = ref(0)
const change = (e) => {
current.value = e.detail.current;
const drivingLicence = () => {
url: './components/drivingLicence',
import { ref } from 'vue';
const businessList = ref([
img: '../../static/rili.png',
text: '考试预约\n\n',
id: '1'
img: '../../static/xinche.png',
text: '新车选号\n\n',
id: '2'
img: '../../static/beian.png',
text: '备案非本\n人机动车',
id: '3'
img: '../../static/xinche.png',
text: '申请新车\n临时号牌',
id: '4'
img: '../../static/renling.png',
text: '业务委托\n申请',
id: '5'
img: '../../static/laoren.png',
text: '老年人业\n务代办',
id: '6'
img: '../../static/gongbu.png',
text: '号牌号段\n公布',
id: '7'
img: '../../static/kaoshi.png',
text: '考试信息\n公布',
id: '8'
img: '../../static/nuoche.png',
text: '一键挪车\n\n',
id: '9'
img: '../../static/gengduo.png',
text: '更多\n\n',
id: '10'
const info = [
content: '内容 A'
content: '内容 B'
content: '内容 C'
const current = ref(0);
const change = (e) => {
current.value = e.detail.current;
const drivingLicence = () => {
url: './components/drivingLicence'
const closedclick = (id) => {
if (id == 10) {
url: './components/businessCenter'
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